Note: Refer to the July 2015 Update of the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) or the July 2015 Update of the Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment System change request (CR) documents for payment and other information about these HCPCS C-code(s). These documents can be found at: | |||||
HCPCS Code | Short Description | Long Description | Added Date | Termination Date | Comments |
C2613 | Lung bx plug w/del sys | Lung biopsy plug with delivery system | 7/1/2015 | New OPPS pass-through device code effective July 1, 2015. | |
C9349 | PuraPly, PuraPly Antimic | PuraPly, and PuraPly Antimicrobial, any type, per square centimeter | 01/01/2015 | This code was effective Jan 1, 2015. The trade name for the product has been changed from "Fortaderm" to "PuraPly" effective July 1, 2015. | |
C9448 | Oral netupitant palonosetron | Netupitant 300mg and palonosetron 0.5 mg, oral | 4/1/2015 | 6/30/2015 | HCPCS code C9448 will be deleted on June 30, 2015, and replaced with HCPCS code Q9978(Netupitant 300 mg and Palonosetron 0.5 mg, oral) effective July 1, 2015. |
C9453 | Injection, nivolumab | Injection, nivolumab, 1 mg | 7/1/2015 | New OPPS pass-through drug code effective July 1, 2015. | |
C9454 | Inj, pasireotide long acting | Injection, pasireotide long acting, 1 mg | 7/1/2015 | New OPPS pass-through drug code effective July 1, 2015. | |
C9455 | Injection, siltuximab | Injection, siltuximab, 10 mg | 7/1/2015 | New OPPS pass-through drug code effective July 1, 2015. | |
C9737 | Lap esoph augmentation | Laparoscopy, surgical, esophageal sphincter augmentation with device (eg, magnetic band) | 01/01/2014 | 6/30/2015 | HCPCS code C9737 will be deleted on June 30, 2015, and replaced with Category III CPT code 0392T (Laparoscopy, surgical, esophageal sphincter augmentation procedure, placement of sphincter augmentation device (ie, magnetic band)) effective July 1, 2015. |
"CPT copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association."
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
C Codes - Effective July 1st 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Obstetric and Gynecology Care Coding / Billing Guidelines
Obstetric and Gynecology Care Coding / Billing Guidelines
1. Antepartum care
2. Delivery services
3. Postpartum care
There are 2 type of OB coding/billing guidelines are given below,
1. Global OB Care
2. Non-global OB care or partial services
Global OB Care
The total obstetric care package includes the provision of antepartum care, delivery services and postpartum care.
When the same group physician and/or other health care professional provides all components of the OB package, report the Global OB package code.
The CPT for Global OB codes are,
59400 – Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, vaginal delivery (with or without episiotomy, and/or forceps) and postpartum care
59510 – Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, cesarean delivery, and postpartum care
59610 – Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, vaginal delivery (with or without episiotomy, and/or forceps) and postpartum care, after previous cesarean delivery
59618 – Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, cesarean delivery, and postpartum care, following attempted vaginal delivery after previous cesarean delivery
Billing Guidelines
The global maternity allowance is a complete, one-time billing which includes all professional services for routine antepartum care, delivery services, and postpartum care.
The fee is reimbursed for all of the member’s obstetric care to one provider.
If the member is seen four or more times prior to delivery for prenatal care and the provider performs the delivery, and performs the postpartum care then the provider must bill the Global OB code.
Global maternity billing ends with release of care within 42 days after delivery. Global OB care should be billed after the delivery date/on delivery date.
Services Included In Global Obstetrical Package,
- Routine prenatal visits until delivery, after the first three
antepartum visits
- Recording of weight, blood pressures and fetal heart tones
- Admission to the hospital including history and physical
- Inpatient Evaluation and Management (E/M) service provided
within 24 hours of delivery
- Management of uncomplicated labor
- Vaginal or cesarean section delivery
- Delivery of placenta (CPT code 59414)
- Administration/induction of intravenous oxytocin (CPT code
- Insertion of cervical dilator on same date as delivery (CPT
code 59200)
- Repair of first or second degree lacerations
- Simple removal of cerclage (not under anesthesia)
- Uncomplicated inpatient visits following delivery
- Routine outpatient E/M services provided within 42 days
following delivery
- Postpartum care after vaginal or cesarean section delivery
(CPT code 59430)
As per ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) coding guidelines, reporting of third and fourth degree lacerations should be identified by appending modifier 22 to the global OB code (CPT codes 59400 and 59610) or delivery only code (CPT codes 59409, 59410, 59612 and 59614)
Claims submitted with modifier 22 must include medical record documentation that supports the use of modifier.
Services Excluded from the Global Obstetrical Package,
The following services are excluded from the global OB package (CPT codes 59400, 59510, 59610, 59618) and may be reported separately.
- First three antepartum E&M visits
- Laboratory tests
- Maternal or fetal echography procedures (CPT codes 76801,
76802, 76805, 76810, 76811, 76812, 76813, 76814, 76815, 76816,
76817, 76820, 76821, 76825, 76826, 76827 and 76828)
- Amniocentesis, any method (CPT codes 59000 or 59001)
- Amniofusion (CPT code 59070)
- Chorionic villus sampling (CPT code 59015)
- Fetal contraction stress test (CPT code 59020)
- Fetal non-stress test (CPT code 59025)
- External cephalic version (CPT code 59412)
- Insertion of cervical dilator (CPT code 59200) more than 24
hr before delivery
- E&M services which is unrelated to the pregnancy (e.g.
UTI, Asthma) during antepartum or postpartum care.
- Additional E/M visits for complications or high risk
monitoring resulting in greater than the typical 13 antepartum
visits. However these E/M services should not be reported until
after the patient delivers. Append modifier 25 to identify these
visits as separately identifiable from routine antepartum visits.
- Inpatient E/M services provided more than 24 hrs before
- Management of surgical problems arising during pregnancy (e.g. Cholecystectomy, appendicitis, ruptured uterus)
Non-global OB care, or partial services
Non-global OB care, or partial services, refers to maternity care not managed by a single provider or group practice.
Billing for non-global OB or Partial care may occur if,
- A patient transfers into or out of a physician or group
- A patient is referred to another physician during her
- A patient has the delivery performed by another physician or
other health care professional not associated with her physician or
group practice
- A patient terminates or miscarries her pregnancy
- A patient changes insurers during her pregnancy
The physician provide only partial services instead of global OB care, T bill for that portion of maternity care only.
Use the codes below for billing antepartum-only, postpartum-only, delivery-only, or delivery and postpartum only services.
Only one of the following options should be used, not a combination.
A. Antepartum care only
- For 1 to 3 visits: Use E/M office visit codes.
- For 4 to 6 visits: Use CPT 59425, This code must not be
billed by the same provider in conjunction with one to three office
visits, or in conjunction with code 59426.
- For 7 or more visits: Use CPT 59426 – Complete antepartum care is limited to one beneficiary pregnancy per provider.
If the patient is treated for antepartum services only, the physician should use CPT code 59426 if 7 or more visits are provided, CPT code 59427 if 4-6 visits are provided, or each E/M visit if only providing 1-3 visits.
As per ACOG and AMA guidelines, The antepartum care only codes 59425 or 59426 should be reported as described below,
- A single claim submission of CPT code 59425 or 59426 for the
antepartum care only, excluding the confirmatory visit that may be
reported and separately reimbursed when the antepartum record has
not been initiated.
- The units reported should be one.
- The dates reported should be the range of time covered,
- CPT 59425 and 59426 – These codes must not be billed
together by the same provider for the same beneficiary, during the
same pregnancy.
- Pregnancy related E/M office visits must not be billed in conjunction with code 59425 or 59426 by the same provider for the same beneficiary, during the same pregnancy.
The following are the delivery CPT codes,
CPT 59409 – Vaginal delivery only (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps)
CPT 59514 – Cesarean delivery only
CPT 59612 – Vaginal delivery only, after previous cesarean delivery (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps)
CPT 59620 – Cesarean delivery only, following attempted vaginal delivery after previous cesarean delivery
The delivery only codes should be reported by the same group physician for a single gestation when,
- The total OB package is not provided to the patient by the
same physician or group practice.
- Only the delivery component of the maternity care is provided
and the postpartum care is performed by another physician or group
of physicians.
As CPT and ACOG guidelines the following services are included in the delivery services codes and shouldn’t be reported separately.
- Admission to the hospital,
- The admission history and physical examination,
- Management of uncomplicated labor, vaginal delivery (with or
without episiotomy, with or without forceps), or cesarean delivery,
external and internal fetal monitoring provided by the attending
- Intravenous induction of labor via oxytocin (CPT code
- Delivery of the placenta, any method
- Repair of first or second degree lacerations
Reporting of third and fourth degree lacerations should be identified by appending modifier 22 to the global OB code (CPT codes 59400 and 59610) or delivery only code (CPT codes 59409, 59410, 59612 and 59614)
Claims submitted with modifier 22 must include medical record documentation which supports the use of modifier.
C. Delivery only including postpartum care
If the same individual or Same group physician provided the delivery care and postpartum care, in these instances few CPT code has encompass both of these services, The following are CPT defined delivery and postpartum care.
CPT 59410 – Vaginal delivery only (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps); including postpartum care
CPT 59515 – Cesarean delivery only; including postpartum care
CPT 59614 – Vaginal delivery only, after previous cesarean delivery (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps); including postpartum care
CPT 59622 – Cesarean delivery only, following attempted vaginal delivery after previous cesarean delivery; including postpartum care
Services included in the delivery only including postpartum care services
- Hospital visits related to the delivery during the delivery
- Uncomplicated outpatient visits related to the pregnancy
- Discussion of contraception
The following is the CPT defined postpartum care only,
CPT 59430 – Postpartum care only (separate procedure)
Services included in the postpartum care
- Uncomplicated outpatient visits related to the pregnancy
- Discussion of contraception
- E/M of problems or complications related to the pregnancy
Billing Guidelines
The postpartum care only should be reported by the same group physician provides the patient with services of postpartum care only.
If a physician provides any component of antepartum along with postpartum care, but does not perform the delivery, then the services should be itemized by using the appropriate counterpart care code and postpartum care code.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
ICD 10 CM (Y Series)
Y900 | Blood alcohol level of less than 20 mg/100 ml | |||||||||
Y901 | Blood alcohol level of 20-39 mg/100 ml | |||||||||
Y902 | Blood alcohol level of 40-59 mg/100 ml | |||||||||
Y903 | Blood alcohol level of 60-79 mg/100 ml | |||||||||
Y904 | Blood alcohol level of 80-99 mg/100 ml | |||||||||
Y905 | Blood alcohol level of 100-119 mg/100 ml | |||||||||
Y906 | Blood alcohol level of 120-199 mg/100 ml | |||||||||
Y907 | Blood alcohol level of 200-239 mg/100 ml | |||||||||
Y908 | Blood alcohol level of 240 mg/100 ml or more | |||||||||
Y909 | Presence of alcohol in blood, level not specified | |||||||||
Y92 | Place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y920 | Non-institutional (private) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9200 | Unspecified non-institutional (private) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92000 | Kitchen of unspecified non-institutional (private) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92001 | Dining room of unspecified non-institutional (private) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92002 | Bathroom of unspecified non-institutional (private) residence single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92003 | Bedroom of unspecified non-institutional (private) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92007 | Garden or yard of unspecified non-institutional (private) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92008 | Other place in unspecified non-institutional (private) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92009 | Unspecified place in unspecified non-institutional (private) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9201 | Single-family non-institutional (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92010 | Kitchen of single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92011 | Dining room of single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92012 | Bathroom of single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92013 | Bedroom of single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92014 | Private driveway to single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92015 | Private garage of single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92016 | Swimming-pool in single-family (private) house or garden as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92017 | Garden or yard in single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92018 | Other place in single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92019 | Unspecified place in single-family (private) house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9202 | Mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92020 | Kitchen in mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92021 | Dining room in mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92022 | Bathroom in mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92023 | Bedroom in mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92024 | Driveway of mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92025 | Garage of mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92026 | Swimming-pool of mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92027 | Garden or yard of mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92028 | Other place in mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92029 | Unspecified place in mobile home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9203 | Apartment as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92030 | Kitchen in apartment as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92031 | Bathroom in apartment as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92032 | Bedroom in apartment as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92038 | Other place in apartment as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92039 | Unspecified place in apartment as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9204 | Boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92040 | Kitchen in boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92041 | Bathroom in boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92042 | Bedroom in boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92043 | Driveway of boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92044 | Garage of boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92045 | Swimming-pool of boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92046 | Garden or yard of boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92048 | Other place in boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92049 | Unspecified place in boarding-house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9209 | Other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92090 | Kitchen in other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92091 | Bathroom in other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92092 | Bedroom in other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92093 | Driveway of other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92094 | Garage of other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92095 | Swimming-pool of other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92096 | Garden or yard of other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92098 | Other place in other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92099 | Unspecified place in other non-institutional residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y921 | Institutional (nonprivate) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9210 | Unspecified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9211 | Children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92110 | Kitchen in children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92111 | Bathroom in children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92112 | Bedroom in children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92113 | Driveway of children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92114 | Garage of children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92115 | Swimming-pool of children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92116 | Garden or yard of children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92118 | Other place in children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92119 | Unspecified place in children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9212 | Nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92120 | Kitchen in nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92121 | Bathroom in nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92122 | Bedroom in nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92123 | Driveway of nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92124 | Garage of nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92125 | Swimming-pool of nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92126 | Garden or yard of nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92128 | Other place in nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92129 | Unspecified place in nursing home as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9213 | Military base as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92130 | Kitchen on military base as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92131 | Mess hall on military base as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92133 | Barracks on military base as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92135 | Garage on military base as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92136 | Swimming-pool on military base as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92137 | Garden or yard on military base as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92138 | Other place on military base as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92139 | Unspecified place military base as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9214 | Prison as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92140 | Kitchen in prison as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92141 | Dining room in prison as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92142 | Bathroom in prison as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92143 | Cell of prison as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92146 | Swimming-pool of prison as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92147 | Courtyard of prison as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92148 | Other place in prison as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92149 | Unspecified place in prison as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9215 | Reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92150 | Kitchen in reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92151 | Dining room in reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92152 | Bathroom in reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92153 | Bedroom in reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92154 | Driveway of reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92155 | Garage of reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92156 | Swimming-pool of reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92157 | Garden or yard of reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92158 | Other place in reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92159 | Unspecified place in reform school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9216 | School dormitory as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92160 | Kitchen in school dormitory as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92161 | Dining room in school dormitory as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92162 | Bathroom in school dormitory as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92163 | Bedroom in school dormitory as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92168 | Other place in school dormitory as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92169 | Unspecified place in school dormitory as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9219 | Other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92190 | Kitchen in other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92191 | Dining room in other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92192 | Bathroom in other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92193 | Bedroom in other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92194 | Driveway of other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92195 | Garage of other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92196 | Pool of other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92197 | Garden or yard of other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92198 | Other place in other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92199 | Unspecified place in other specified residential institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y922 | School, other institution and public administrative area as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9221 | School (private) (public) (state) as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92210 | Daycare center as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92211 | Elementary school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92212 | Middle school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92213 | High school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92214 | College as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92215 | Trade school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92218 | Other school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92219 | Unspecified school as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9222 | Religious institution as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9223 | Hospital as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92230 | Patient room in hospital as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92231 | Patient bathroom in hospital as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92232 | Corridor of hospital as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92233 | Cafeteria of hospital as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92234 | Operating room of hospital as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92238 | Other place in hospital as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92239 | Unspecified place in hospital as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9224 | Public administrative building as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92240 | Courthouse as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92241 | Library as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92242 | Post office as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92243 | City hall as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92248 | Other public administrative building as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9225 | Cultural building as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92250 | Art Gallery as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92251 | Museum as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92252 | Music hall as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92253 | Opera house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92254 | Theater (live) as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92258 | Other cultural public building as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9226 | Movie house or cinema as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9229 | Other specified public building as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y923 | Sports and athletics area as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9231 | Athletic court as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92310 | Basketball court as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92311 | Squash court as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92312 | Tennis court as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92318 | Other athletic court as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9232 | Athletic field as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92320 | Baseball field as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92321 | Football field as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92322 | Soccer field as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92328 | Other athletic field as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9233 | Skating rink as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92330 | Ice skating rink (indoor) (outdoor) as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92331 | Roller skating rink as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9234 | Swimming pool (public) as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9239 | Other specified sports and athletic area as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y924 | Street , highway and other paved roadways as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9241 | Street and highway as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92410 | Unspecified street and highway as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92411 | Interstate highway as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92412 | Parkway as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92413 | State road as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92414 | Local residential or business street as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92415 | Exit ramp or entrance ramp of street or highway as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9248 | Other paved roadways as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92480 | Sidewalk as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92481 | Parking lot as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92482 | Bike path as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92488 | Other paved roadways as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y925 | Trade and service area as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9251 | Private commercial establishments as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92510 | Bank as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92511 | Restaurant or cafe as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92512 | Supermarket, store or market as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92513 | Shop (commercial) as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9252 | Service areas as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92520 | Airport as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92521 | Bus station as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92522 | Railway station as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92523 | Highway rest stop as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92524 | Gas station as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9253 | Ambulatory health services establishments as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92530 | Ambulatory surgery center as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92531 | Health care provider office as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92532 | Urgent care center as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92538 | Other ambulatory health services establishments as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9259 | Other trade areas as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y926 | Industrial and construction area as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9261 | Building [any] under construction as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9262 | Dock or shipyard as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9263 | Factory as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9264 | Mine or pit as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9265 | Oil rig as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9269 | Other specified industrial and construction area as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y927 | Farm as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9271 | Barn as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9272 | Chicken coop as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9273 | Farm field as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9274 | Orchard as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9279 | Other farm location as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y928 | Other places as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9281 | Transport vehicle as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92810 | Car as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92811 | Bus as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92812 | Truck as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92813 | Airplane as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92814 | Boat as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92815 | Train as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92816 | Subway car as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92818 | Other transport vehicle as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9282 | Wilderness area | |||||||||
Y92820 | Desert as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92821 | Forest as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92828 | Other wilderness area as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9283 | Recreation area as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92830 | Public park as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92831 | Amusement park as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92832 | Beach as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92833 | Campsite as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92834 | Zoological garden (Zoo) as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y92838 | Other recreation area as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9284 | Military training ground as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9285 | Railroad track as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9286 | Slaughter house as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y9289 | Other specified places as the place of occurrence of the external cause | |||||||||
Y929 | Unspecified place or not applicable | |||||||||
Y93 | Activity codes | |||||||||
Y930 | Activities involving walking and running | |||||||||
Y9301 | Activity, walking, marching and hiking | |||||||||
Y9302 | Activity, running | |||||||||
Y931 | Activities involving water and water craft | |||||||||
Y9311 | Activity, swimming | |||||||||
Y9312 | Activity, springboard and platform diving | |||||||||
Y9313 | Activity, water polo | |||||||||
Y9314 | Activity, water aerobics and water exercise | |||||||||
Y9315 | Activity, underwater diving and snorkeling | |||||||||
Y9316 | Activity, rowing, canoeing, kayaking, rafting and tubing | |||||||||
Y9317 | Activity, water skiing and wake boarding | |||||||||
Y9318 | Activity, surfing, windsurfing and boogie boarding | |||||||||
Y9319 | Activity, other involving water and watercraft | |||||||||
Y932 | Activities involving ice and snow | |||||||||
Y9321 | Activity, ice skating | |||||||||
Y9322 | Activity, ice hockey | |||||||||
Y9323 | Activity, snow (alpine) (downhill) skiing, snow boarding, sledding, tobogganing and snow tubing | |||||||||
Y9324 | Activity, cross country skiing | |||||||||
Y9329 | Activity, other involving ice and snow | |||||||||
Y933 | Activities involving climbing, rappelling and jumping off | |||||||||
Y9331 | Activity, mountain climbing, rock climbing and wall climbing | |||||||||
Y9332 | Activity, rappelling | |||||||||
Y9333 | Activity, BASE jumping | |||||||||
Y9334 | Activity, bungee jumping | |||||||||
Y9335 | Activity, hang gliding | |||||||||
Y9339 | Activity, other involving climbing, rappelling and jumping off | |||||||||
Y934 | Activities involving dancing and other rhythmic movement | |||||||||
Y9341 | Activity, dancing | |||||||||
Y9342 | Activity, yoga | |||||||||
Y9343 | Activity, gymnastics | |||||||||
Y9344 | Activity, trampolining | |||||||||
Y9345 | Activity, cheerleading | |||||||||
Y9349 | Activity, other involving dancing and other rhythmic movements | |||||||||
Y935 | Activities involving other sports and athletics played individually | |||||||||
Y9351 | Activity, roller skating (inline) and skateboarding | |||||||||
Y9352 | Activity, horseback riding | |||||||||
Y9353 | Activity, golf | |||||||||
Y9354 | Activity, bowling | |||||||||
Y9355 | Activity, bike riding | |||||||||
Y9356 | Activity, jumping rope | |||||||||
Y9357 | Activity, non-running track and field events | |||||||||
Y9359 | Activity, other involving other sports and athletics played individually | |||||||||
Y936 | Activities involving other sports and athletics played as a team or group | |||||||||
Y9361 | Activity, american tackle football | |||||||||
Y9362 | Activity, american flag or touch football | |||||||||
Y9363 | Activity, rugby | |||||||||
Y9364 | Activity, baseball | |||||||||
Y9365 | Activity, lacrosse and field hockey | |||||||||
Y9366 | Activity, soccer | |||||||||
Y9367 | Activity, basketball | |||||||||
Y9368 | Activity, volleyball (beach) (court) | |||||||||
Y936A | Activity, physical games generally associated with school recess, summer camp and children | |||||||||
Y9369 | Activity, other involving other sports and athletics played as a team or group | |||||||||
Y937 | Activities involving other specified sports and athletics | |||||||||
Y9371 | Activity, boxing | |||||||||
Y9372 | Activity, wrestling | |||||||||
Y9373 | Activity, racquet and hand sports | |||||||||
Y9374 | Activity, frisbee | |||||||||
Y9375 | Activity, martial arts | |||||||||
Y9379 | Activity, other specified sports and athletics | |||||||||
Y93A | Activities involving other cardiorespiratory exercise | |||||||||
Y93A1 | Activity, exercise machines primarily for cardiorespiratory conditioning | |||||||||
Y93A2 | Activity, calisthenics | |||||||||
Y93A3 | Activity, aerobic and step exercise | |||||||||
Y93A4 | Activity, circuit training | |||||||||
Y93A5 | Activity, obstacle course | |||||||||
Y93A6 | Activity, grass drills | |||||||||
Y93A9 | Activity, other involving cardiorespiratory exercise | |||||||||
Y93B | Activities involving other muscle strengthening exercises | |||||||||
Y93B1 | Activity, exercise machines primarily for muscle strengthening | |||||||||
Y93B2 | Activity, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups | |||||||||
Y93B3 | Activity, free weights | |||||||||
Y93B4 | Activity, pilates | |||||||||
Y93B9 | Activity, other involving muscle strengthening exercises | |||||||||
Y93C | Activities involving computer technology and electronic devices | |||||||||
Y93C1 | Activity, computer keyboarding | |||||||||
Y93C2 | Activity, hand held interactive electronic device | |||||||||
Y93C9 | Activity, other involving computer technology and electronic devices | |||||||||
Y93D | Activities involving arts and handcrafts | |||||||||
Y93D1 | Activity, knitting and crocheting | |||||||||
Y93D2 | Activity, sewing | |||||||||
Y93D3 | Activity, furniture building and finishing | |||||||||
Y93D9 | Activity, other involving arts and handcrafts | |||||||||
Y93E | Activities involving personal hygiene and interior property and clothing maintenance | |||||||||
Y93E1 | Activity, personal bathing and showering | |||||||||
Y93E2 | Activity, laundry | |||||||||
Y93E3 | Activity, vacuuming | |||||||||
Y93E4 | Activity, ironing | |||||||||
Y93E5 | Activity, floor mopping and cleaning | |||||||||
Y93E6 | Activity, residential relocation | |||||||||
Y93E8 | Activity, other personal hygiene | |||||||||
Y93E9 | Activity, other interior property and clothing maintenance | |||||||||
Y93F | Activities involving caregiving | |||||||||
Y93F1 | Activity, caregiving, bathing | |||||||||
Y93F2 | Activity, caregiving, lifting | |||||||||
Y93F9 | Activity, other caregiving | |||||||||
Y93G | Activities involving food preparation, cooking and grilling | |||||||||
Y93G1 | Activity, food preparation and clean up | |||||||||
Y93G2 | Activity, grilling and smoking food | |||||||||
Y93G3 | Activity, cooking and baking | |||||||||
Y93G9 | Activity, other involving cooking and grilling | |||||||||
Y93H | Activities involving exterior property and land maintenance, building and construction | |||||||||
Y93H1 | Activity, digging, shoveling and raking | |||||||||
Y93H2 | Activity, gardening and landscaping | |||||||||
Y93H3 | Activity, building and construction | |||||||||
Y93H9 | Activity, other involving exterior property and land maintenance, building and construction | |||||||||
Y93I | Activities involving roller coasters and other types of external motion | |||||||||
Y93I1 | Activity, roller coaster riding | |||||||||
Y93I9 | Activity, other involving external motion | |||||||||
Y93J | Activities involving playing musical instrument | |||||||||
Y93J1 | Activity, piano playing | |||||||||
Y93J2 | Activity, drum and other percussion instrument playing | |||||||||
Y93J3 | Activity, string instrument playing | |||||||||
Y93J4 | Activity, winds and brass instrument playing | |||||||||
Y93K | Activities involving animal care | |||||||||
Y93K1 | Activity, walking an animal | |||||||||
Y93K2 | Activity, milking an animal | |||||||||
Y93K3 | Activity, grooming and shearing an animal | |||||||||
Y93K9 | Activity, other involving animal care | |||||||||
Y938 | Activities, other specified | |||||||||
Y9381 | Activity, refereeing a sports activity | |||||||||
Y9382 | Activity, spectator at an event | |||||||||
Y9383 | Activity, rough housing and horseplay | |||||||||
Y9384 | Activity, sleeping | |||||||||
Y9389 | Activity, other specified | |||||||||
Y939 | Activity, unspecified | |||||||||
Y95 | Nosocomial condition | |||||||||
Y99 | External cause status | |||||||||
Y990 | Civilian activity done for income or pay | |||||||||
Y991 | Military activity | |||||||||
Y992 | Volunteer activity | |||||||||
Y998 | Other external cause status | |||||||||
Y999 | Unspecified external cause status |
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